Wednesday, October 12, 2011

AF 447: Pitot Tube Loss Procedures?

The loss of pitot static instrumentation is an emergency for which commercial pilots are or should be trained. In the case of the loss of pitot static instrumentation, a general procedure is to use the instruments available that are not dependent on the pitot static systems or to use back up pitot static systems and instruments. In either case, the safety of the flight is possible and the crew should be able to maintain safe flight until either the aircraft can be moved out of the icing conditions which are often the cause of the loss of pitot static instruments or the aircraft can be moved to VMC so that the crew can land the aircraft with use of available instrumentation and procedures.

In the case of AF 447, there appears to be a procedural issue as well as an equipment failure. That said, the crew I am sure was more than capable of operating in the condition where the pitot static system failed. Why did they not?
Were the clues to determine this condition not available or masked or conflicted by other clues?

I wonder what each commercial pilot reading this and other reports thinks? We have read what BEA thinks and their reports are not credible.

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